Thursday, September 24, 2009

I shall not give up~

I do not know whether everyone in any universities will face such a hard time. For me, mine is miserable. I'm wondering why did people say that those who did STPM would find university life a piece of cake. I beg to differ.. it's equally tough, and it's tougher when i have to leave my family, to such a stressful environment for my degree.
I know that my dad has placed high hope on me, I shall not let him down. and, all the loans that await me. I shall never think of giving up. But, i really need some support from someone i feel important to support me. Will u be the one?
Quiz, test, assessment, assignment, project, lab report, etc... Maybe it's a challenge. A totally new challenge. I must go through it in order to succeed.. I want to be a scientist. I hope my dream would come true. My prof's words give me a lot of inspiration. He shared a story, a student of him has successfully became one of the researchers in the US and with a hope that she could help to save lives from breast cancer. She wrote this to my prof:
"I guess, at the end of the day, all the glamour and
publicity are meaningless. They are nice for a while
for the ego. The Nature paper few people will notice.
But what drives me and keeps me going is my belief
that I want to do good and make tomorrow’s world
better than today’s, for the next generation. To relief
pain and suffering and offer hope to the cancer
patients. So often, I want to hold their hands and
channel my best wishes to them, for being brave to go
on phase I clinical trials in which they know is not
likely going to benefit them, but perhaps, the next

-Dr Peng (the girl who was taught by this prof in NUS)

I wish i could be one like her, doing something to make the world a better place to live in. i shall not, should not, could not give up~